When Vicki continued to rant at them Walter said, "Let's not waste any more time like this, Trask. I'll phone Betty and we can get our plan working. She should be here in a half-hour."

While they waited the two men put Vicki's panties into her mouth and held the gag in with a nylon stocking tightly tied twice around her face and around her neck. Then they tied her wrists together behind her back with another nylon stocking, and similarly bound her ankles tightly together. When Betty Jansen rang the doorbell Wendy was still sleeping.

Leaving Betty to guard the bondaged Vicki, the two men went down to the stationwagon parked in the street and returned carryin a sizable trunk, about three feet long, twc feet wide, and two feet deep. With difficulty they forced the bound but struggling Vicki to sit in the opened container, and then she was forced to lean forward while the top of the trunk was lowered and locked shut. Muffled sounds and slight movements came from the trunk but their prisoner was secure.

Wendy was gently awakened from

her drugged sleep and she allowed herself to be led by Betty Jansen down to the ear. She giggled drunkenly and smuggled up to Betty in the ear. Trask and Walter carried the trunk with its human cargo out to the car and put it in the back of the station-wagon. Then they all drove off to the Jansen's house in the suburbs.

When the two men had lugged the trank down into the spacious cellar, Walter explained how he came to be so well prepared to punish their villainous captive.

"After having read a number of really wild books on sadism and masochism and the sexually thrilling possibilities they offer,

Betty and I thought it would be fun to try out some ideas along that line. We never do anything really rough or far-out, of course, but we have found that bondage and discipline can give lots of real thrills for both parties."

"Aren't you afraid of going too far?" asked Trask with interest. "Someone might get hurt, or get angry."

"Being helpless and a little afraid of what's going to happen, is part of the thrill," Walter told him. "When Betty is the Queen, and I am her helpless Slave, I can never be sure just what she will demand of me. And when I'm the Boss and she's the Slave, I find it's very exciting knowing that she is completely in my power and has to do anything I want. But we love each other, so the situation never gets out of control."

"With all the special equipment you have accumulated, we sure ought to be able to teach Vicki a lesson she won't forget," said "And with Betty taking care of Wendy,


I feel much better. When Wendy recovers from those pills Viski gave her, I'll have a talk with her to make sure she doesn't get boobytrapped like this again, by Vicki or anyone else with those Lesbian urges."

When they opened the trunk, the captive Vicki was so stiff from being held in her cramped, bent-over position, that she could hardly move. The men quickly and deftly manacled her wrists and trussed them up to the cellar-ceiling. Then they fettered her ankles widespread to the bolts in the floor and installed the punishment sandals on her feet. Finally the rubber ball-gag and leather headband was installed on their victim, and she was ready for the first part of her punishment.